Thursday, January 27, 2011


So yesterday I have my appointment with my orthopedic doctor to make me new orthadics.  I had no idea where I was going except a glance at the map and made it there in one piece with a little help from some Italian locals.  In Italia directs don't really help, street names just everytime there is a piazza or a fountain and there are a million piazzas and fountins in Roma. Pretty much they change all the time for some random reason also Italians drive like freaking maniacs.  Don't follow street signs, no speed limit signs, and a million motorcycles makes walking pretty scary and life threatening.  But like I said I got there in one piece. 

I thought the difficult part was over and it hadn't even begun.  Unlike the last doctor I visited, this one, who was making my orthadicsspoke no English at all.  Imagine trying to communicate with someone who is making an replica of what your arc is suppose to look like who can't understand you and you can't understand him.  Obviously was an adventure and itself and was extremely confusing so lets hope that everything turns out alright.

Tomorrow I have a cooking class at 11 a.m. so I can show all of you back home how to cook. I'll try and have a few more pictures up by the end of this week but its hard to post a lot on the blog


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