Sunday, January 16, 2011

Life in Rome

So if I've already said this I'm sorry.

But life in Rome is nothing like I expected, and is the exact oppisite of what everybody told me.  First of all there are no gypsies and I mean none.  I was told they would be coming up to me none stop and trying to pickpocket me but I guess because its not the tourist season they don't bother trying to pick pocket locals.  But it is nice not having to feel like you have to keep on hand on your wallet at all times, although I do it anyway out of habit already.  Second the weather is beautiful, its been mid 60's since i've been here.  And its the exact opposite of everything I was told, I was told that I would be wearing slippers and sweaters inside.  Right now its 11 p.m. and my windows are open because its hot in my apartment and I'm just in gym shorts (SAI is wrong again).  And the last thing that is completely new to me is that I only eat one meal a day two if I'm lucky.  Don't get me wrong the one meal I have is absolutely amazing and is four to five courses,  but I thought differently. 

But the European lifestyle is great, my roomates and I finally met some locals at dinner and they spoke perfect English, but they refused to help us unless we attempted to speak in Italian which is an adventure.  So after a while of getting to now them we went our different ways.  I've learned not all Italians hate American's but if you don't start off the conversation in Italian they won't even give you a chance.

I start school tomorrow and will be uploading more pictures of the Spanish steps, The Pantheon, Trevi Fountain, and the Coliseum. 

Blog again as soon as possible

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