Wow Venice Wow!
This weekend went on an adventure to Venice to experience Carnivale. Carnivale is pretty much what Mardi Gras is based off except for all of the exessive drinking and flashing. It is an eight day long festivile of customes, confetti, and pure madness. For those who didn't know Venice is a city on water...COMPLETELY ON WATER. To get to it we had to take a water taxi to the main piazza and then if you want to get anywhere else you have to take a water taxi. Its pretty remarkable that a city can function being entirely surrounded on water. It's so bizzare to think people take speed boats to work everyday of their life.
But back to Carnivale, it was one of the wildest times of my life. People come from all of the world and dress up like crazy, its like halloween and mardi gras mixed. The first thing we did when we got this was buy awesome masks and confetti. Once you reach the main piazza there is a huge confetti fight and there are no rules and nobody knows who anyboyd else is because the whole city is wearing masks so it is just complete madness. After that we went to Murano and Burano which are parts of Venice. I don't exactly know which one is which but one of them is famous for all of the glass that is blown there, like huge chandileers and amazing cups and such. And Murano is famous for all of there historical colored houses, that are once again on water and is just insane to see hundreds of houses right on water. It is honestly the coolest thing I have ever seen.
After we saw the main attractions we went to the main piazza once again to find something to eat for dinner and heard of all tons of loud music, so we decided to check it out instead of grabbing dinner. We stumbled on an outside rave/ all kinds of music and people juggling fire.
Overall Venice was amazing except for the horrible bus rides. We left at 7 am on saturday from Rome (so I saw the sun rise) then we left at 11 from venice (saw the sun set in venice) then we got back to roma at 530 (saw the sun rise again in rome). And these buses are so cramped you can't sleep at all and each way was a litte over 7 hours. But despite the bus rides the trip was amazing and venice is molto bello.
Pictures are up on facebook, blog again soon. Spring break in 7 more days of scuola and then off to Prauge, Berlin, Amsterdam, and Pari!!!
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